all over the world
提供一流的服务,他们可提供快捷,可靠的服务令航运的风险减至最低.超捷与各大船工公司有着良好的合作关系,他们能为我们提供合理的价格,使我们在市场上能占有竞争优势.此外,我们能够提供提货,户对户及报关等服务.我们承诺以我们专业的知识能为各客户提供可靠.准确及安全的运输服务.logistics solutions. We have offices in more than 60 countries all over the world and an international network of partners and agents, which makes DSV a truly global player offering services worldwide. By our professional and advantageous overall solutions, the approx. 21,000 DSV employees recorded a worldwide annual revenue of 5.7 billion euro for 2010.
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