cargo handling 普洛切
a total logistics services provider, our business scope is covering the importation and exportation on air/sea freight forwarding, project cargo handling, removal, warehousing, storage, distribution CFS services, customs declaration, insurance, trucking and many other value added services.
Our head office is in Shanghai, we have established offices in the major cities such as Singapore, Taiwan, Hongkong,Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Qingdao in order to cope with the rapid growth of our business in and out of China.主要以经营国际货物的空、海运进出口运输业务、代理报关报检、货物运输保险、多式联运、物流仓储及配送、物流供应链设计等服务。公司始终秉承以为客户提供最优质、安全、快捷多元化的物流服务为己任
Our head office is in Shanghai, we have established offices in the major cities such as Singapore, Taiwan, Hongkong,Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Qingdao in order to cope with the rapid growth of our business in and out of China.主要以经营国际货物的空、海运进出口运输业务、代理报关报检、货物运输保险、多式联运、物流仓储及配送、物流供应链设计等服务。公司始终秉承以为客户提供最优质、安全、快捷多元化的物流服务为己任
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