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air, sea ANCONA
air, sea sea iron multimodal transport services company. Main products include these services domestic marketing accepts the air, trucks, international air, express delivery service, shipping and the iron etc. In Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai ,Qindao and the country has a large audience, and maintain good relations of cooperation.提供大型工程项目物流、IT物流、汽车及零部件物流、工厂项目物流、保税区物流、国际会展物流、国际私人物品运输、租船业务、配送快运、物流咨询等综合性强、难度大、多点多程多式的高端、精细物流产品。提供国内各式商业服务、国内物流、国际贸易、国际采购服务及其他国际商务服务。
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