Air Freight Imports
Air Freight Imports
. Import customs clearance
. Transit customs clearance
. Night and weekend services are available
. Airport and off-airport storage facilities are available
. Deliveries to door nationwidely
Import Operation
. Scheduled report to the clients under a close coordination with overseas partners
. Shipment tracking and status report
. Local delivery service进口B2B2C服务,主要为跨境电商平台提供国内保税区备货,保税仓储、并在订单产生时直接从保税仓通关、分拣包装并发货的一体化服务。
. Import customs clearance
. Transit customs clearance
. Night and weekend services are available
. Airport and off-airport storage facilities are available
. Deliveries to door nationwidely
Import Operation
. Scheduled report to the clients under a close coordination with overseas partners
. Shipment tracking and status report
. Local delivery service进口B2B2C服务,主要为跨境电商平台提供国内保税区备货,保税仓储、并在订单产生时直接从保税仓通关、分拣包装并发货的一体化服务。
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