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inspection and advisory services for each port of import and export goods of the country, highly trained, professional team familiar with the customs, import and export inspection and quarantine regulations, dedication providing our customers with the declaration, inspection and logistics "one-stop" service. Our professional experience, with the ports, customs, good relations with the Joint Inspection Unit reputation, advanced logistics information system to ensure smooth your goods in a timely manner for a good import and export procedures.
Main business:
■ Acting import and export declarations, single entry and customs clearance services;
■ Acting export customs supervision warehouse and warehouse operations;
■ Acting deep processing enterprises and remote declarations;
■ Agent processing trade production contract for the record, change, verification;
■ agent for tax relief certificate.主要业务包括:
1. 全国主要城市公路、铁路干线运输。
2. 大型仓储服务。
3. 华东区域运输配送。
5. 海关监管货物运输等一系列延伸服务。 同时我们也可以为客户提供物流供应链解决方案。
LDX为进口电商企业搭建一套可以与海关、国检等执法部门对接的跨境贸易电子商务服务信息平台,实现B2B, B2C跨境贸易通关便利化,同时寻找合适的贸易商、品牌商、电商企业(包括平台式或自主销售式)、通关服务企业、仓储企业、物流企业,共同营造良好的跨境贸易电子商务的优质经营环境。
Main business:
■ Acting import and export declarations, single entry and customs clearance services;
■ Acting export customs supervision warehouse and warehouse operations;
■ Acting deep processing enterprises and remote declarations;
■ Agent processing trade production contract for the record, change, verification;
■ agent for tax relief certificate.主要业务包括:
1. 全国主要城市公路、铁路干线运输。
2. 大型仓储服务。
3. 华东区域运输配送。
5. 海关监管货物运输等一系列延伸服务。 同时我们也可以为客户提供物流供应链解决方案。
LDX为进口电商企业搭建一套可以与海关、国检等执法部门对接的跨境贸易电子商务服务信息平台,实现B2B, B2C跨境贸易通关便利化,同时寻找合适的贸易商、品牌商、电商企业(包括平台式或自主销售式)、通关服务企业、仓储企业、物流企业,共同营造良好的跨境贸易电子商务的优质经营环境。
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